Friday, January 30, 2009

Greening the Desert

I came across a site that focuses on permaculture & havesting water
there are some great videos on the projects created.

ie: food forests that become no dig gardens :), gardens that defend themselves from pests and above all a healing enviroment on many levels. I am sure that you would find something there that interests you.

Do yourself a favour and be inspired by Geoff & Nadia Lawson who are making a difference to the world in practical ways that you yourself can impliment

have a great day

whats been happening

Once I had a vision of what could lift Meekatharra, I drafted an outline of my plan, then spoke to locals of the various projects and generated interest from what they wanted and their ideas.
I looked at the various funding structures and set about to encourage what was already in place.
what has stopped me is that people get interested and fall away. To overcome that fear.

I believed I had to start with myself and my part of Meekatharra.
I started my healing business up as well as I invite different services to town and promote their arrival.
We currently have bueaticans visit once a month from Perth, who service Cue & Mt Magnet on the way. Great for both men, woman and the youth.
we do require a hairdresser : )

There is a child playgroup started by a local group and we now have a hardware where we can purchase plants and irrigation supplies. the Blue light discos have restarted by Police and their have been attempts to address the issues of "children after dark"

I have 3 projects in mind.
the first being a healing park, a place where local artists create features, musicans can come and play their tunes all amongest an enviroment that is growing plants, that sooth, heal & feed.

there are a couple of areas around town that will be ideal. my next step other than more research is to survey the town of what others want or what they want to contribute.

Personally I am creating a healing garden in my back yard.
we have 3 emus that were little babies left without parents, & two large dogs.
The emus need a watering hole to bath in and I have noticed the marked difference in the soil since we have created this.
They wake up, do their exercises, then come to the back door to let me know that they are ready to eat. I feed them and fill their watering hole and so we have 3 content emus.

Added to this I brought a birdhouse which I filled with wild bird seed and I also hung a block of seed in a tree. it took a while but every day I get a moderate variety of birds that come and feed and drink. we also place 2 bird baths.

Next I need to create plants that provide more shade than whats there already.

so yes the focus is still on healing Meekatharra and these are only a few things that I can comment on at present.

Have a good day